Small Group Info
Home / Small Group Info
Private inquiry by email

Participants have shared with us how beneficial it is to attend small groups in person and treasure the time with others. We encourage you to choose to attend a small group limited to four participants or less and two facilitators. We offer evening and morning groups.
We now offer Men’s Groups and Virtual Groups
We are so glad you are contacting us for more information!
A kindhearted facilitator will call you and tell you more so that you can move towards freedom.
congratulations! You made your first step toward healing!
That took courage, now just give us a little information about yourself. Your information is private and will only be shared with staff and facilitators.
Fill the form.
Small group bible studies

Welcome to a wonderful journey to healing and freedom!
We are thrilled that you have chosen to check out our Bible studies.
We believe everyone who has had an abortion will benefit from going on this abortion recovery journey. We affirm and encourage your decision to seek a deeper place of healing and restoration from your past choices.
Our role is to help facilitate God’s healing touch in your life.
Small group bible studies are an essential part of the healing process as they provide a place where deeper fellowship and better support for one another can take place. For confidentiality to for privacy, we do not disclose the exact locations and days the classes meet.
Classes meet at various locations and we offer morning and evening small groups, depending on location. Groups form in January and August, but don’t wait to sign up. Sign up now and let us evaluate how we can help.